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LA-Based Singer-Songwriter, Izza Releases New Single

LA-Based Singer-Songwriter, Izza Releases New Single

Christine Blanchette

IZZA, Singer-Songwriter Releases New Single

LA-based singer-songwriter and producer Izza always had a passion for music and started playing instruments at a young age.

In a Q&A, Izza talks about her music career, newly single, and what is next for her.

When did your interest in music begin?

My parents love music and are the reason why I started playing instruments at a young age. I grew up going to concerts at the Hollywood Bowl and Staples Center as well as watching artist documentaries on MTV and VH1 Top 20 Countdown which exposed me to the world of being an artist.

Was there a pivotal moment you knew you wanted to become a singer-songwriter?

Since I was a kid, I have always been musically inclined whether that be playing piano and guitar or singing in a rock band in elementary school.  It wasn’t until I discovered songwriting in 5th grade and fell in love with making music. I didn’t have anyone I could go to and talk to about my feelings, thoughts, or struggles, so songwriting became a creative outlet for me where I could say whatever I wanted to without any judgment. That’s when I knew I wanted to do this for the rest of my life.

When did you write your first song?

The first song I can remember writing was a song called “Stranger.” It was about my friend who I felt was distancing herself from me and I didn’t recognize who she was anymore, almost like a stranger. I didn’t record it at the time because I was 11 and didn’t know how to, but I did sing it all the time.

Tell us your first performance and what was that like?

I’ve been performing since I was a kid, but the first performance that made me fall in love with performing was when I sang “Just Dance” by Lady Gaga and “Seven Nation Army” by the White Stripes in my school rock band. I think I was 12 and it was the greatest feeling I had ever experienced and I knew I wanted to perform for the rest of my life.

Tell us about Nintendo Bitch and how did this song come to fruition?

I love playing Fornite and wanted to write a song about video games. However, “Nintendo Bitch” became more than just a song about video games, but about believing in myself which is something I haven’t always done. I want to inspire people to be the best version of themselves and not let anyone bring them down or dim their light. Writing songs about having confidence has brought me joy and made me realize that I am worthy and I deserve happiness.

Where do you get your inspiration to write and do you find it therapeutic?

A: I’m always gaining inspiration from my surroundings and everyday life. All my songs are about real events that have happened in my life so it’s easy to write about things I know. It’s very therapeutic for me to be able to construct my feelings in a song and gain clarity about whatever obstacle or challenge I face.

Tell us what do you love most about your music career and were there any obstacles?

I love writing songs. Songwriting to me is the most natural thing I do and it’s also what makes me feel the most creative and free.
However, music is so much more than writing songs. There are so many people that I talk to daily from photographers to producers to help make my vision come to life. It’s hard to find the right people that align with your creative goals and I think during the past few years I finally found my team.

Tell us about your new single, Nintendo Bitch coming out June 10th, and what was the process like?

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A: I knew I wanted the song to have a marching band-type sound because to me the song is about winning and being victorious. There is something about listening to a band at a football game that makes you feel like you are unstoppable. That was the exact emotion I wanted to convey in the song. The process was really fun and I wrote the song pretty quickly which is always nice.

How would you describe your music and what do you want people to take away from your music?

My music is pop with trap-like elements. I love the sound of pop music, but I also love the fast-paced cadences and lyricism of hip-hop music. I like to mix both because both genres exude confidence and are high energy which are elements I want to convey in my music. I hope when people listen to my music that they can gain more confidence in themselves, prioritize their happiness, and be unapologetically themselves.

How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

I grew up as a tennis player and would exercise every day so being active is very important to me. When I exercise and eat healthily I feel like the best version of myself.

Tell us some of the highlights in your career so far?

Playing 320 Festival was important to me because it was my first public performance as an artist. I am also very passionate about mental health and I am always looking for ways how to be involved in mental health-related events and spread awareness. The festival was also produced by Kevin Lyman who is someone  I respect, admire, and look up to in the industry.

Anything else you like to add?

I’m releasing my first EP this summer! I’m so excited to release a body of work that showcases my pop sound. Also, I’m always posting on Tiktok and Instagram, so follow me to keep up with my music! @izzaroze

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